Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™ is a service of Community Fundraising Books by Americana Ventures, LLC which has been designed for supporters of schools, churches and non-profits to be able to purchase a coupon book online to support a worthy cause. As a company we are always concerned about the protection of online privacy for all of our Web site visitors and the consumers of our Coupon Books.
Although we track the total number of visitors to our site in an aggregate form to allow us to update and improve our site, personally identifiable information is not extracted in this process unless submitted by a user. Any cookie technology (where our servers deposit special codes on a visitor's computer) will only be used to track non-personal information such as type of browser, operating system, and domain names to improve our visitors' online experience.

Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™ only collects personally identifiable data, such as names, addresses, email addresses and the like, when voluntarily submitted by a visitor in an e-mail request, via our Virtual Assistants or one of our registries, or surveys. Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™ does not sell or release any information (i.e. names, addresses or phone numbers) gathered on our Web sites to any third parties; all information gathered online will be used only by Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™ to improve our products and services. Information submitted such as articles, success stories and community recognition may be posted on our Web site.

In some instances, when a visitor has indicated that he/she would like to receive communications from Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™, we will contact visitors. Our modes of contact may include a personal phone call, e-mail, e-mail newsletters, printed newsletters and brochures and other electronic and non electronic mail.

Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™ has chosen to use PayPal merchant services to facilitate the purchasing of Coupon books through our web site. We decided to use this merchant service to sell Coupon Books because they provide a secure shopping cart and all payments occur through their secure servers. You have the option when buying a Coupon Book to use your PayPal account or to pay with any of the credit or debit cards whose logos are displayed.

Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™ reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying visitors of the existence of a new privacy policy. This will be done by placing the amendments or changes to the policy on this page with the date that the changes are being implemented. We also reserve the right to discontinue this service at our sole discretion.

For any questions concerning this privacy policy please contact us at:


1-706-254-8776 (No Phone Solicitations Please)

Community Fundraising Books
ATTN:  Coupon Book - Saving Supporters Thousands™
537 Providence Circle
Statham, GA 30666-2132

To learn more about Community Fundraising Books visit:


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